Gaming Community

by Kessel Run Games Inc.

Things have been a bit boring around the store over the past few months. We started to wonder why and realized that we had been losing touch with our game communities. We greatly regret where we let things get to and are actively working to get back in touch with you all. We have spoken with community leaders about tournaments, casual game days, new players end events. We received great feedback and have implemented the ideas they provided. This is evidenced by all of the events hitting our calendar. We are thankful for the feedback, support and advice received as of late and look forward to continuing to rebuild our local communities. 

Here are some of the upcoming events:

Casual Kill Team, this Saturday March 23rd. Drop in and play, watch or just hang out. No admission. 10 AM start. 

Demo Day! Another free event with local community members sitting in to teach new players multiple game systems. Sign up for free, so we know you are coming. April 6th, 10 AM. 

April 14th is Chaos in the Capital! Store credit and other prizing will be awarded during this casual event. Tickets here. Spaces are limited to grab your spot now!

Check back soon for more news and events.


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