Letter of Marque

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    After the discovery of the New World, the great sea-faring nations of Europe struggled to control trade routes and and stake their own claim in America. This opportunity brought a new ship to the scene: the corsair. Unlike pirates, who preyed upon any ship unable to escape, corsairs possessed a special letter of permission from the crown. This letter allowed them to attack and loot the ships of that nationā€™s enemies during wartime. So much more than mere pirates, these brave plunderers had the support of a nation behind them. They had a Letter of Marque.

    Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Bruno Faiduttiā€™sĀ Letter of Marque. Three to six players battle and bluff their way across the ocean in the hopes of safely delivering their valuable cargo, all while pirating the prizes of their enemies. Playable in roughly a half hour, Letter of Marque is a swift-moving card game of treasure, temptation, and trickery on the high seas.

    This engaging bluffing game features elegantly simple rules, but offers a treasure chest full of rich player interaction.

    Numbered cards indicate the value of a specific cargo, and detailed plastic corsairs represent your escorts. Only two of your five corsairs hide a cannon icon on the bottom of their base (indicating defensive capabilities), and your opponents can play attack cards to try to steal your treasure. You must shrewdly decide which transports will receive the actual defenses, and which ones will be protected by nothing but a bluff! This fall,Ā Letter of MarqueĀ will sail onto shelves, carrying bountiful booty for your gaming group. Make plans to loot and plunder your


    - $12.99

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