In One Night Ultimate Alien, strange beings from the heavens have infiltrated your small village, bringing fearsome futuristic technology and an insatiable appetite for both Villagers & Cows. Fortunately, the village has many powerful inhabitants, most of whose goal is to save it from the alien invaders.
Number of Players:Ā 4-10
Playing Time:Ā 10 Minutes
Recommended Ages:Ā 8+
Corax White - $5.40
Averland Sunset - $5.40
Jokaero Orange - $5.40
Mephiston Red - $5.40
Barak-Nar Burgundy - $5.40
Screamer Pink - $5.40
Daemonette Hide - $5.40
Citadel Base Paints
Bloodstone - $3.25
Blue Ink - $3.25
Green Ink - $3.25
Hammerfall Khaki - $3.25
Heartfire - $3.25
Idrian Flesh - $3.25
Khador Red Highlight - $3.25
Formula P3 Paints