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    To complement the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons - Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus book, Gale Force Nine are releasing a new set of Collector’s Series miniatures.

    Once a mighty angel charged with watching the tides of the Blood War, Zariel succumbed to the corrupting influence of the Nine Hells and fell from grace. Asmodeus admired Zariel's passion for war and offered her rulership of Avernus. She accepted his offer and was transformed by Asmodeus into an archdevil.

    Zariel tempts mortals with power on the Material Plane and strikes bargains with them so she can bind them to her in the afterlife. She uses their souls to create lemures, which she can then promotes to higher forms of devils.

    Sculpted by Roy Gabriel

    The Descent into Avernus range will consist of:

    - Mad Maggie
    - Thavius Kreeg
    - Sylvira Savikas
    - Lulu and Slobberchops
    - Lucille

    Miniatures sold unpainted and require assembly.

    - $29.99

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