Mad Maggie

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    To complement the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons - Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus book, Gale Force Nine are releasing a new set of Collector’s Series miniatures.

    Mad Maggie is a night hag warlord of the hellscape of Avernus. She is ruthless and cunning with a wicker sense of humor. Although she is evil, she is not without a sense of warriorlike honor and has respect for those tough enough to tangle with her and get in a few licks.

    Her gang of miscreants scavenge the hellscape for wrecked infernal war machines to rebuild them into their own, ramshackle war machines that they then use to raid traders, devil legions and others who wander into her territory.

    Sculpted by Roy Gabriel

    The Descent into Avernus range will consist of:

    - Mad Maggie
    - Thavius Kreeg
    - Sylvira Savikas
    - Lulu and Slobberchops
    - Lucille

    Miniatures sold unpainted and require assembly.

    - $11.99

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