Lulu & Slobbershops

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    To complement the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons - Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus book, Gale Force Nine are releasing a new set of Collector’s Series miniatures.

    Lulu is a hollyphant who has lost most of her memories. Hollyphants are gentle, stalwart creatures native to the Upper Planes. Good-aligned deities and angels use them as messengers and helpers.

    Slobberchops is a mean-looking tressym with a bobtail and numerous battle scars. Tressym are intelligent felines known to form strong friendships with humanoids, particularly rangers and wizards.

    Sculpted by Roy Gabriel

    The Descent into Avernus range will consist of:

    - Mad Maggie
    - Thavius Kreeg
    - Sylvira Savikas
    - Lulu and Slobberchops
    - Lucille

    Miniatures sold unpainted and require assembly.

    - $11.99

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