Thavius Kreeg

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    To complement the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons - Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus book, Gale Force Nine are releasing a new set of Collector’s Series miniatures.

    Thavius Kreeg, the treacherous High Overseer of Elturel, entered into an infernal bargain with the archdevil Zariel, ruler of Avernus. This deal has led the city to disappear from the Forgotten Realms and descend into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells.

    This miniature is Thavius as an amnizu, a greater devil that leads infernal legions into battle and commands the guardians at the gateways to the Nine Hells.

    Sculpted by Roy Gabriel

    The Descent into Avernus range will consist of:

    - Mad Maggie
    - Thavius Kreeg
    - Sylvira Savikas
    - Lulu and Slobberchops
    - Lucille

    Miniatures sold unpainted and require assembly.

    - $11.99

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